The Howard – Theater Reviews – TONI STONE at POP

Reviewer:                        Howard Steven Frydman aka “The Howard”

Production:                       Toni Stone

Theater:                             Playhouse On Park

Written by:                        Lydia R. Diamond

Director:                            Jamil A.C. Mangan

Choreographer:                Maurice Clark  

The Howard says – “TONI STONE- It’s a Blast – A Solid Home Run at POP”

Strut your stuff, and if they tell ya’ you ain’t good enough, don’t ‘cha get the blues. Follow the golden rule, but sometimes ya just gotta kick that mule. When you are on third, and need to win, and no one’s there to bring ya in, just steal on home- Steal On Home!

Well folks, we are indeed rounding third and heading to home plate, for The Howard is telling ya that Playhouse on Park’s, most current production, “Toni Stone” is a HOME RUN!!!  POP has indeed, hit it out of the Park with the baseball bio of “Toni Stone”- and her triumphed journey as the first black women to play major baseball. Never heard of her- well venture within the POP stage and be immersed in her world and her “trailblazing” legendary tale! Folks, let me tell you, this is an incredibly moving and oh-so reaffirming production of the journey one black woman takes for her love of the game of Baseball! Toni Stone by Lydia R. Diamond, directed by Jamil A.C. Mangan, is part of Playhouse on Park’s 15th Main Stage Season, the theme of which is Celebration. Well folks The Howard cordially states “Take me out to the Ball Park, Take us ALL out to Playhouse On Park!  

So here I sit, 20 minutes pre-showtime, at POP for today’s matinee performance of “Toni Stone” – I am not a particular big baseball fan, unlike my Grandfather Abe Levin, who routinely traveled by train to New York in the 60’s to see his “team” the Brooklyn Dodgers play. My brother Harvey and I are discussing the fact that he never invited his two grandchildren to join him on these so-called questionable baseball jaunts, when our adjoining seat mates, two long-retired women, hearing our discussion, chime in of all thing’s baseball. From food, to players, to ballparks, they are a depository of fun baseball facts- quickly singling out the POP’s on-stage baseball field set and dugout, vintage ads for Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, Lucky Strikes with Harry Heilmann at bat, and nostalgic posters of the “Negro American League Baseball Champion’s” The Mighty Kansas City, and eventually to Toni Stone herself, the first Black Women to play major league baseball, – Yes- and then there was Toni!  Play ball!!  

Folks, I must admit, I am absolutely in awe of this most remarkable POP production, for its entire two hour and 30-minute production, I am literally frozen, hypnotized, nay transfixed, head in hand, feeling so fortunate in seeing this amazing heartfelt “baseball bio” and the stellar team of actors and the actor who is portraying ‘50’s baseball legend Stone. Nine players on the field, catching fly balls, the next turn at bat – these actors swing away with a rousing true tale of a young girl with a true dream and a destiny to play professional baseball in a man’s world. From her early days’ barnstorming from town to town, playing in the “Negro Baseball Leagues”, her hard-won spot on the Indianapolis Clowns, and the capitalization of the singular sensation of one lone woman actually playing and surviving in a man’s dominated sports world- this is a tale that is soon not to be forgotten! Hurrah to Toni Stone!!!  

When you see “greatness” on a lit stage you just know it, and this my friends is “no turning back” theater! A rising star is in view- Constance Sadie Thompson- Constance Sadie Thompson, Constance Sadie Thompson, I say it three times, it’s almost like a chant, endeavoring to never forget the name of this amazing actor! I’ll say it once again Constance Sadie Thompson! For throughout its entire length, C.S.T. is on set, with line after line of dialogue, monologue after monologue, bringing the world of Stone, the first woman to go pro in baseball’s Negro Leagues, to vibrant life, that afterwards, you surely will further seek out Stone’s full bio and that is saying a lot for this production, its cast and the amazing story unfolding on the POP stage.


Folks as stated, “Toni Stone” as presented by POP is a true masterpiece of a theatrical outing – and that my friends is saying a lot! It is a jewel of a production- brimming with upper deck pleasures, BTW, for you collectors – Toni Stone Baseball cards are still available, and POP has “Stone 29” pins available. My friends, for those who not only enjoy great – I mean Tony Award worthy acting – a baseball premise, a vibrant central character in the form of Toni Stone, portrayed by – you know her name by now – Constance Sadie Thompson. Watching her from the sidelines- her portrayal is nothing less but brilliant- a deep and oh so vulnerable performance and a most memorable characterization. A production, alike in baseball is a team effort– we also send out a rousing cheer to this team of actors including: Brandon Alvion as “Millie”, Adeyinka Adebola as “Stretch”, Tony N. King as “King Tut”, Jamar Jones as “Elzie”, James Edward Becton, III as “Alberga”, Celester Rich as “Spec”, Bernard Scudder as “Jimmy” and Nathaniel J. Ryan as “Woody”. Two pleasurable summer plays Baseball and POP! The Howard say’s Enjoy and Play Ball!

Tickets are now on sale for TONI STONE, and range from $42.50-$55. Group rates available! Student and Senior discounts are also available. Previews are on May 29 and 30, with all tickets at $25. 2pm matinees are on Tuesday, Saturday, and Sunday. Evening performances are at 7:30pm on Wednesday and Thursday, and at 8pm on Friday and Saturday. There will be a talk back with the cast after each Sunday matinee.

For more information or tickets, call the Box Office at 860-523-5900 x10 or visit Playhouse on Park offers discounts for group sales; inquire today! For information about special events in conjunction with Toni Stone, visit Playhouse on Park is located at 244 Park Road, West Hartford, CT 06119

Howard Steven Frydman is General Manager and Executive Director of BATV – Channels 5, 95 & 96 and a member of the CCC. Please feel free to contact Mr. Frydman with your thoughts and ideas at

About The Howard

The Howard - Reviews, thoughts and ideas
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